Friday, December 23, 2011

No, I will not let you merge.

I already let one car merge over. If I let two cars merge, then I am ruining the zippering effect. You see, when there are lots of cars trying to be in the same lane the most efficient and speedy method for both lanes is to let one car from lane by, and then one car from another. By trying to push ahead you are slowing down everything for everyone. Look I even have a study about it:

Oh, yes, I can see you are mad. That is quite the nice horn you have, and your middle finger is very shapely. I'm not sure what effect you think that's going to have on me. I've already made my decision, and you showing that you are kind of a jerk is supposed to change my mind? All you've done is confirm that I made the right choice by denying you the ability to save yourself a couple of seconds by cutting in front of me. Look, everyone behind me agrees with me, so I'm comfortable letting you rage over there. Your anger is amusing more than anything else. That doesn't mean I don't hate you though. Oh, I very much do. Plus you are a bad driver. Next time be more courteous, and respect the zipper.


  1. So true! The only people who are worse than the jackasses who try to run to the front of the line (full of people who have been waiting their turn) are the people let them in. If people stopped letting these bad drivers in, they would have no incentive to keep doing it.
